Dying mother, 37, dreams of a bus trip with her seven children

A mother of seven who was told she was in remission has received the devastating news that her cancer is terminal and she may only have months to live. Kimberley Deane has already been on an unimaginable journey after being diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer a few years ago, which has since spread to her pelvis.

The 37-year-old mother from St Austell underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy every day for three months. During that time, she even said goodbye to her children because she wasn’t sure if she would make it.

Kimberley had to undergo further treatment at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, where she underwent brachytherapy surgery, which meant lying down for five days with 2-foot metal rods inserted into her cervix to deliver high doses of radiation.

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The treatment was extremely painful because the rods pressed on her spine from the inside. But after the pain and trauma, there was a glimmer of hope for Kimberley, who was told her cancer was in remission – only for her hopes to be dashed once again.

Shannon Davy, Kimberley’s sister-in-law, said the brave mum was left in the dark for months as to whether the cancer had actually started to shrink or not before she was told it was there and had spread.

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