Looking for Saturday’s Connections hints and answers? You can find them here:
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic weekend.
Today News Connections hints and answers coming soon.
How to play connections
In ConnectionsYou are given a grid of 16 words. Your task is to sort them into four groups of four by finding the connections between them. The groups could be things like horror movie franchises, a type of verb, or rappers.
There is only one solution to each puzzle, and you have to be careful with words that fit into more than one category. You can shuffle the words to see if there are any connections between the words.
Each group is color coded. The yellow group is usually the easiest to figure out, blue and green fall in the middle, and the purple group is usually the hardest to figure out. The purple group often contains puns, so keep that in mind.
Select four words that you think go together and press Submit. If you guess incorrectly, you lose a life. If you’re close to a correct group, you may see a message that you’re one word away from the correct word, but you still have to figure out which one to swap.
If you make four mistakes, it’s game over. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen with some hints, and if you’re really struggling, the Connections answers.
What are today’s connection tips?
Scroll slowly! Directly after the hints for each of today’s activities Connections I’ll reveal what the groups are, but I won’t tell you right away which words appear in them.
Today’s 16 words are…
And the tips for today’s groups are:
- Yellow group – like a top or point
- Green Group — Words You May Hear on Antique Roadshow
- Blue Group — Career Oriented
- Purple group — connected by some kind of dried fruit or seed
What are today’s Connections groups?
Do you need extra help?
Be warned: we start in spoiler area.
Today’s groups are…
- Yellow group – slender protrusions
- Green Group – Terms and Conditions for Collectibles
- Blue group — profession
- Purple group — words for “nut”
What are the answers to today’s questions about connections?
Spoiler alert! Do not scroll further down the page until you are ready to view today’s information. Connections answers.
This is your final warning!
Today Connections answers are…
- Yellow group — slender projections (TOP, TOOTH, TOOTH, TOP)
- Green Group — collectibles terms (FAIR, NICE, GOOD, MINT)
- Blue Group — Occupation (COMPANY, FIELD, LINE, TRADE)
- Purple group — words for “nut” (BRAZIL, BUTTER, DOUGH, PINE)
My third perfect game in a row brings my total winning streak to seven.
When I saw BRAZIL and PINE next to each other, it became pretty clear what the purple connection was, but I decided to clear another group first. Those were the yellow ones, thanks to PRONG and TINE. The purple group was next.
I wasn’t entirely sure about the greens and blues, but the four green words just made sense together, even if I didn’t understand the connection. That left the blues for the win.
That’s all there is to do today Connections clues and answers. Make sure to check out my blog for hints and the solution for Monday’s game if you need them.
PS I really enjoyed waking up to this song this morning. Along with Queen, REM were one of the first big bands my parents got me into. I was lucky enough to see them a few times before they broke up (the band, not my parents, who are still happily together). Like Daft Punk, I sometimes get sad that REM aren’t back together, but jeez, they had a great time.