Looking for a Concord PS5, PC Beta Guide revealing how to get access the, the start timesAnd what you can play before the full launch? As one of Sony’s first live-service shooters to hit the market, there’s a curiosity surrounding Concord that will largely be satisfied by an upcoming beta available a month before release. In this Concord guide, we’ll be covering the PS5, PC Betadiscuss how to get access it all start timesAnd what you can play during the pre-release test.
Concord Beta: How to Access
- Pre-order the game and receive five early access beta codes that you and your friends can use.
- A week later, an open beta version will follow, which will be available to everyone.
When you get access to the Concord Beta is determined by whether or not you pre-order the game on PS5 and PC, or if you know someone who has. Pre-ordering the game automatically earns you five beta codes. You can use one of them to get early access by entering the code into the PS store. You are then free to give the other four beta codes to your friends so you can form a squad and play together. This will allow you to play during the beta’s early access weekend, which runs from July 12 to 14, 2024.
If you haven’t pre-ordered the game yet and don’t know anyone who can give you a code, you’ll have to wait until the open beta weekend from July 18-21, 2024. At that point, the Concord beta will be available for anyone to download and try out. All you have to do is download it from the PS Store.
Concord Beta: All start times
- Early access weekend
- July 12 – 14, 2024
- Open beta
- July 18 – 21, 2024
If you pre-order the game or receive a Concord beta code from a friend, you can participate in both the early access weekend and open beta phases. This will allow you to start playing from July 12, 2024 through July 14, 2024. You can then participate again from July 18 through July 21, 2024. The exact time the beta will begin has not yet been confirmed.
Concord Beta: What You Can Play
- You can try out all 16 Freegunner characters.
- There are four maps available, with a fifth being added during the open beta.
- There are three modes available, with a fourth added during the open beta.
Firewalk Studios has revealed that the full launch roster of 16 Freegunners will be playable in the Concord Beta, allowing you to get to grips with every character available on day one. You’ll be able to take each of them into battle across four maps and three modes, expanding to five maps and four modes respectively once the open beta phase begins.
The maps you can play are Freewater, Water Hazard, Star Chamber and Shock Risk. You will also get Bone Mines in the open beta:
Concord Beta Cards
Freewater is set in a fortified outpost on the sun-scorched planet of Glance. The game features intersecting perimeter lanes and a large central courtyard in the middle of the map. This courtyard acts as a major meeting point and inspires intense combat.
On the stormy, water-swept planet of Leviathan, a massive, armored eel known as a Morack has been captured and is being harvested on a large floating fishing gear. Players battle across the platform and into the Morack’s jaws at a primary harvest location.
On top of the highest mountain on the planet Gloom stands an ancient observatory with narrow corridors and a meteorite in the middle, offering great opportunities for team and one-on-one combat.
Shock Risk is set beneath a giant, conductive kite in the sky that catches lightning on the planet Leviathan. There are several unique arenas in which to battle rival teams, with paths converging on a large, central tower.
The remains of enormous vastadons on the tropical planet Akkar have become the scene of a lucrative Guild mining operation. You’ll fight your way through the excavated bones and mining caverns in a mix of close-quarters and mid-range combat.
The modes you can play are Trophy Hunt, Cargo Run and Clash Point. When the open beta starts, Area Control will also be available:
Concord Beta Modes
A respawn-based mode where you fight to defeat members of the rival crew and collect their bounty cards to earn points for your team. The first team to reach the target score before time runs out wins the match.
A no-respawn mode where teams compete to retrieve the Blue Buddy package delivery system, plant it in one of the zones, and defend it from the rival crew to win.
A round-based, no-respawn game mode where teams compete for control of a single capture zone at a central location on the map.
A respawn mode where teams compete to control multiple capture and control zones on the map. Control two or more zones to increase your team’s score and reach the points threshold to win.
Did you find ours? Concord Guide covering the PS5, PC Beta helpful, inclusive how to get access the, the start timesAnd what you can playLet us know in the comments below.