New organic molecule breaks records in phosphorescence efficiency, paving the way for rare-metal-free applications

Chemical structure of the molecule and photos of phosphorescence taken under UV irradiation. Credit: Osaka University

A research team led by Osaka University found that the new organic molecule thienyldiketone exhibits high-efficiency phosphorescence. It achieved phosphorescence more than ten times faster than traditional materials, allowing the team to clarify this mechanism.

The article was published in the magazine Chemical science.

Phosphorescence is a valuable optical function used in applications such as organic EL displays (OLEDs) and cancer diagnostics. Until now, achieving high-efficiency phosphorescence without using rare metals such as iridium and platinum has been a significant challenge. Phosphorescence, which occurs when a molecule transitions from a high-energy state to a low-energy state, often competes with nonradiative processes in which the molecule loses energy as heat.

This competition can lead to slow phosphorescence and lower efficiency. Although previous research suggested that incorporating certain structural elements into organic molecules could accelerate phosphorescence, these efforts have not matched the speed and efficiency of rare metal-based materials.

  • New organic molecule breaks records in phosphorescence efficiency, paving the way for rare-metal-free applications

    Graph showing the acceleration of phosphorescence and its impact on efficiency. Orange diamonds are thienyldiketones and blue dots are former molecules. IP represents the phosphorescence rate. Increase of IP makes it possible to improve efficiency. Credit: Osaka University

  • New organic molecule breaks records in phosphorescence efficiency, paving the way for rare-metal-free applications

    Image showing the mechanism of fast phosphorescence. The blue light rays converge in the molecule to generate conspicuous yellow pillars, which represent the acceleration of phosphorescence by mixing of singlet states. Credit: 2024 YAP. Co., Ltd.

The research team’s breakthrough with the new organic molecule thienyldiketone represents a significant advance in the field. Yosuke Tani, senior author of the study, noted, “We discovered this molecule by chance and initially didn’t understand why it showed such superior performance. However, as our research progressed, we began to put the pieces together and deepened our understanding.”

“Our research has led to a clearer understanding of the mechanism behind the performance of this molecule than any previous organic phosphorescent material,” Dr. Tani explains. “Nevertheless, we believe there is still much to be discovered and we are excited about its potential applications.”

This research provides new design guidelines for developing organic phosphorescent materials that do not rely on rare metals, which have the potential to outperform and replace these materials in various applications. The findings promise significant advances in OLEDs, lighting, and medical diagnostics, among others.

More information:
Yosuke Tani et al, Fast, efficient, narrow-band room-temperature phosphorescence of metal-free 1,2-diketones: rational design and mechanism, Chemical science (2024). DOI number: 10.1039/D4SC02841D

Offered by Osaka University

Quote: New organic molecule breaks records for phosphorescence efficiency, paving the way for rare-metal-free applications (2024, July 4) Retrieved July 4, 2024, from

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