Looking for Saturday’s Strands hints, spangram and answers? You can find them here:
Sunday, lazy Sunday. The perfect day to get a bunch of chores and errands done, or to kick back and relax.
If you do the latter, check out my weekend streaming guide for inspiration. There are a lot of great new shows and movies coming out, including HBO’s premiere House of the Dragon Season 2, which I will review here on this blog.
Before you settle for a good TV show, movie or book (yes, as much as I love TV and movies, I firmly believe that reading is still the best), let’s solve today’s problems! The game is still in beta, but is a lot of fun and I remain hopeful that it will make its way to the New York Times Games app.
Let’s solve today’s grid!
How to play strands
The New York Times Strands Puzzle is a play on the classic word search. It’s currently in beta, which means it will only survive if enough people play it every day. Keep playing, in other words. It is our collective mission to keep this game alive and on the app!
There’s a new game of Strands to play every day. The game presents you with a grid of six by eight letters. The goal is to find a group of words that have something in common, and you’ll get an idea of what that theme is. When you find a theme word, it will remain highlighted in blue.
You will also need to find a special word called a spangram. This tells you what the words have in common. The spangram connects two opposite sides of the board. Although the theme words are not a proper noun, the spangram can be a proper noun. When you find the spangram, it will remain highlighted in yellow.
Strands It’s still not on the New York Times games app, but you can play it here.
What’s today’s Strands hint?
Scroll slowly! Just after today’s hint Strands puzzle, I will reveal what the answer words are.
The official theme tip for today Beach puzzle is: It’s in the bag
Here’s an extra hint to help you get to the solution: Big in Britain, although Ted Lasso is not a fan.
What are today’s answers?
Spoiler alert! Don’t scroll any further down the page until you’re ready to explore today’s information Strands answers.
Today’s Spangram
I’ll first tell you the spangram and show you where it is on the grid. I will then tell you the other words and show you how they fit in.
This is your final warning!
Today Strands spangram is. . .
Here is the Spangram on the grid:
All today’s answers
Many of these are fairly obvious types of tea, so once you find them it should be quite easy. Only one confused me. I’ll give you a special tip: don’t think about tea, think about muskets.
If you need additional help, spoilers below!
Here is the full list of words:
- Matcha
- Chai
- Oolong
- Chamomile
- Jasmine
- Gunpowder
Today’s strand distribution
Like I said, this was pretty easy as I found the first tea – MATCHA – and very soon after found CHAI. I saw the word TEA and because it is too short (only words of four letters or longer in Strands) I thought it was supposed to be the first half of the SPANGRAM, and sure enough. From here, KHAMOMILE, OOLONG and JASMINE fell in quick succession. It was only GUNPOWDER that really surprised me. When I finally found out, I admit there was some confusion. I had never heard of gunpowder tea. You learn something new every day.
Apparently it’s a Chinese green tea whose leaves are rolled into small, round pellets that resemble gunpowder grains, which is where the tea gets its name. The rolling process helps preserve the freshness and flavor of the tea, making it more robust and durable compared to other green teas.
How did your Strands go today? Let me know Tweet and Facebook.
Make sure you check out my blog for my daily Wordle guides and all my other articles on TV shows, streaming guides, movie reviews, video game coverage and more. Thanks for stopping by!