Eight PIP payment combinations that can be replaced by vouchers

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has announced a possible shake-up to Personal Independence Payments (PIP), which could see direct cash payments scrapped in favor of alternatives such as vouchers.

The proposals were unveiled to revamp the existing framework as part of the Modernizing Support for Independent Living: The Green Paper on Health and Disability. PIP recipients will be presented with eight different payment options, BirminghamLive reports.

Under proposed reforms aimed at curbing rising spending on PIP, beneficiaries could receive vouchers, subsidies and access to shopping catalogs instead of current cash prizes. This can amount to €737 per month.

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The DWP said: “We must ensure we have a system that is sustainable and fair for all. PIP is designed to help address the additional costs faced by people with health conditions and disabilities in enabling independent living.”

“Some claimants will have significant additional costs associated with their disability and others will have minimal costs. This Green Paper looks at whether there are ways we can improve the way we support people, in a way that is also fairer to the taxpayer than the current system.”

Currently, approximately 3.5 million people are PIP beneficiaries, of which 2.6 million are of working age. The DWP reports it is processing 33,000 new PIP claims every month, a number that has more than doubled since before the pandemic.

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